There are many reasons to visit the Highlands of Scotland. Highlands is a region full of wonders with vast and wild landscapes. Breathtaking scenery of the nature in this part of Scotland is what makes it such an attractive holiday destination. Instead of crowded beaches or bustling city streets, you can have relaxed hikes through forests and look out over endless hills from your hotel room window.

Whether you’re planning a nice, long journey through Scotland or just have a day to spare to explore somewhere new, there are plenty of reasons why you should visit the Highlands.

Reasons to visit the Highlands are endless. We created a list of top 7 things you should know before your trip.


7 Reasons to Visit the Highlands of Scotland


1. The people are friendly and welcoming


People in this part of the country are lovely, friendly people who are happy to welcome tourists to their home. They are also very proud of their heritage and culture. This is one of the most charming things about the Highlands – the people are both welcoming and friendly, which makes for a great holiday.


2. You’ll see more wildlife than you thought possible


The Highlands are a nature lover’s dream, with a wide array of animals and plants to see, plus hidden nature reserves and wilderness areas that you can visit and explore. Scotland is home to red squirrels, otters, ospreys and red deer, among other animals and plants, and in the Highlands you can see them in the wild.

There are red squirrel walks in Inverness, Edinburgh and Falkirk if you have a day to spare. There are plenty of great places to see otters, including the Scottish Wildlife Trust’s Highland Wildlife Park, the River Truim, Loch Morlich and the River Dee. The number of red deer in the Highlands is actually controlled, which is why you can see them so easily. And if you’re lucky, you might even spot an osprey, Britain’s only fish-eating bird of prey.


3. You can explore ruins from the ancient past


The Highlands are home to a variety of ruins from different eras, making it easy to explore the past. Inverness is home to the McLeod Castle, a 16th-century castle that you can visit and explore, while the Urquhart Castle is a few miles away and has a great view of Loch Ness. The Urquhart Castle is a popular place to visit, so it’s best to go early in the day or on a weekday. You can also visit the Culloden Battlefield, where Bonnie Prince Charlie’s Jacobite army was defeated, and learn more about the Battle of Culloden. There are also a few monuments and places to visit where you can see the ruins of ancient buildings or walls. The Callanish Standing Stones make for a fascinating place to visit, and the Skara Brae houses make for an interesting site to explore.

4. You can hike to your heart’s content


The Highlands are the perfect place to go hiking, with places to walk and trek for any level of fitness or experience. You can head to the Great Glen Hiking Trail, which follows the Great Glen Fault and can take between five and 12 days to complete. You can also visit the Rob Roy Way, which follows Rob Roy’s journey from his home at Rannoch Moor to Inverness. If you’re in Inverness, you can also visit Clach na Breise Standing Stones. Rob Roy’s walk is around 90 miles, while the Great Glen Hiking Trail is a lot longer, so you’ll need at least a week to hike it. Even if you don’t have a week to explore the Highlands, these are great places to visit and are accessible to people of all fitness levels.


5. It’s beautiful in all seasons


The Highlands are stunningly beautiful in all seasons, so you can visit at any time of the year and see a different side to the region. In winter, you can experience a Scottish winter for the first time, or see snow in areas that don’t see much of it regularly

In autumn, you can see the leaves changing color, while in spring the Highland’s fresh green color is the perfect place to visit if you want to see life returning to the world after winter.


6. It’s a great place to learn about Scottish history


The Highlands are a great place to learn about Scottish history and visit places where pivotal events in the country’s past took place. Visit Culloden Battlefield to learn about the Battle of Culloden, where Bonnie Prince Charlie’s Jacobite army was defeated.

You can also visit the Urquhart Castle, which overlooks Loch Ness and is close to where the famous Loch Ness Monster is said to live. You can visit Scone Palace, Stirling Castle or Dunrobin Castle.


7. And there are plenty of amazing places to stay and eat


One of the best things about visiting the Highlands is that there are plenty of great places to stay and eat. matter what time of year you visit the Highlands, or what you plan to do there, you’re sure to have a great holiday. This is a unique place with plenty to do, see and explore, and the remoteness and isolation of this part of Scotland makes it even more special.

You can discover the beauty of the Scotland’s landscapes and its rich cultural heritage in the Highlands which is a great place to start your journey. Visit this magical part of the country, and you’ll be sure to have an unforgettable holiday.